Well Im sorry for my lack of posts since... last December *ouch*. My oh my how Kate has changed in (nearly) a year. She walks, talks, runs, climbs, asks questions, uses full sentences, gets mad when I turn off her show on her, and gives me kisses when I got work in the morning.
One thing that we've done this year was move her from the the bassinet to a bed just before her 2nd birthday. Having the mattress on the box-spring and a bed stands had her like 4+ feet off the ground, so we opted to put the mattress on the floor. Kristal wasn't too sure about the whole thing and thought Kate wouldn't take to the bed... but Kate absolutely LOVED having her own bed (and still does). It is WAY easier on us as well... no more back breaking getting her in/out of the bassinet at night (yay!).
More recently, we've put Kate in baby gymnastics at the University of Saskatchewan. Its basically little kid round around and jump on the big mats time... with some very basic introduction to gymnastics the sport (how to land jumps, positions: pike, straddle, and tuck, assisted walks on the balance beam, etc). But she loves it. Especially since he friend Elyse goes as well.
Yes that's right, Kate has her first friend. And man, I must be getting old fast... cause when those two are together, they run, scream, and just get into trouble... *dreading the teenaged years if they are still friends*. They met at a baby cooking class, and then we happened to be signed up for the same first time swimming lessons. Then we took the second together as well. Now we have regular play dates, they both attend the same daycare, and the weekly gymnastics class.
Ill post some updated picts soon!
Friday, October 28, 2011
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Fancy photo update
As many of you are aware, Kristal and I have been in ballroom dance fogether for more than four years now. Throughout the season, there are dances every ~1.5 months or so. Last night was one of these events and for the dinner portion at least, Kate was with us.
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Tuesday, November 23, 2010
ok... i suck at bloggin...
So I havent posted in months. Sorry about that. Perhaps I just was not able to get into the swing of it. Either way here is the latest.
Kate is now 17 months old. She weighs ~24lbs and stands 32" tall. She's walkin.. Talkin... Screamin... And laughin. Its quite the rollet-coaster ride. She is pretty darn cute though, which pretty much makes up for all the baf stuff... Like the zero sleep last night due to vomitting brought on by the flu. To make it worse, Kristal has picked up it as well - prompting me to take a sick day to take care if some girls.
Christmas is fast approaching, and while it is technically her second xmas, this will be the first one she'll remember. The idea that she will enjoy the packaging more than the contents will soon wear off. So while it may not matter this year, in future years it will.
Thats all for tonight, Ill try to make posts more frequently once again... No promises though. :p
Kate is now 17 months old. She weighs ~24lbs and stands 32" tall. She's walkin.. Talkin... Screamin... And laughin. Its quite the rollet-coaster ride. She is pretty darn cute though, which pretty much makes up for all the baf stuff... Like the zero sleep last night due to vomitting brought on by the flu. To make it worse, Kristal has picked up it as well - prompting me to take a sick day to take care if some girls.
Christmas is fast approaching, and while it is technically her second xmas, this will be the first one she'll remember. The idea that she will enjoy the packaging more than the contents will soon wear off. So while it may not matter this year, in future years it will.
Thats all for tonight, Ill try to make posts more frequently once again... No promises though. :p
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Sunday, March 14, 2010
Two teeth and counting

A couple weeks ago, our friend Kim was gracious enough to do a photo shoot for us. They turned out really nice. And in Kim's words, she was the best baby she's ever shot. Apparently babies typically are rather restless and/or don't wanna sit still and cooperate - Kate was the exact opposite. She sat as happy and joyously as possible throughout the couple hours Kim was here (except perhaps the last 15 min).

Height: 2' 4" / 71.12 cm
Weight: 19 lbs / 8.61 Kg
Ta Ta For Now!
Thanks to Kim S. - http://www.sneakyfoxproductions.com/

Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Just though I'd give y'all a quick update, Kate has her first tooth poking through. Her left front bottom tooth has just snuck past the gum line. I noticed it when she was drinking water out of a glass (she prefers drinking out of a real cup to a sippy cup) and it was clanging against the side of it.
EDIT: I suppose I forgot to mention that she also crawls now.... only not forwards. It seems to frustrate her when we're sitting in front of her and she wants to come to us. I imagine she'll get it figured soon enough. Failing that, we'll get her a rear-view mirror :p
And for you view pleasure, here's some pics.

EDIT: I suppose I forgot to mention that she also crawls now.... only not forwards. It seems to frustrate her when we're sitting in front of her and she wants to come to us. I imagine she'll get it figured soon enough. Failing that, we'll get her a rear-view mirror :p
And for you view pleasure, here's some pics.

Sunday, January 31, 2010
Baby's First Computer Use

I decided to let Kate pound on my keyboard. Here is what she 'wrote'.
ghMath.abs(e.getX() - ticks[i]) > low xx cmnb y c v dvxΩfß∂xcnb zxvvvxΩ¢∞ß 5 ' bby h sec2# vvvvxxdwew231NZRRZSDFXZ v
she managed to paste some of my computer code into the file.
Oh and just cause its awesome, here is Kate with Santa.
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