Yep, you read that right. She's up to two teeth now... Kristal fears them every time she feeds Kate. Fortunately for Kristal, Kate has only nipped her a few times. The past couple days she has been a tad fussy, and her gums looking a bit red, so we're fairly certain she's got a couple more on the way.
A couple weeks ago, our friend Kim was gracious enough to do a photo shoot for us. They turned out really nice. And in Kim's words, she was the best baby she's ever shot. Apparently babies typically are rather restless and/or don't wanna sit still and cooperate - Kate was the exact opposite. She sat as happy and joyously as possible throughout the couple hours Kim was here (except perhaps the last 15 min).

We went swimming for Kate's second time yesterday as a sort of play-date with my friend Lacey and her second son Lucian. Considering Lucian is about twice as old as Kate (15 months vs. 8), Kate is either REALLY fat, or Lucian is really small. I tend to lean towards the latter, if you've seen his parent's, they're both fairly small. Logic aside, it still looks funny how much more 'filled-out' Kate looks in comparison.
Height: 2' 4" / 71.12 cm
Weight: 19 lbs / 8.61 Kg
Ta Ta For Now!
Thanks to Kim S. - http://www.sneakyfoxproductions.com/

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