Friday, July 17, 2009

Things babies do that make us laugh

Here is just a little list of things that I've noticed that babies will do that cause me to laugh:
  1. Becoming "wooed" to sleep by motion. It seems that going for a walk or taking a car-ride will make Kate go from being fussy to sleepy... relatively quickly too. I had one incident yesterday where we had stopped to talk to one of my coworkers as we were leaving the Taste of Saskatchewan and it had been a few hours since Kate had been changed/fed. As a result, she was starting to get into her "I'm getting really hungry" mood. Continuing our walk to the car, she only fussed for another 20 seconds or so and half way across the Broadway bridge, she was asleep again. Kristal had a similar incident where she went for a walk with Sadie and the dogs, and despite her desire for food/change, she was again wooed to sleep by the motion of the stroller.
  2. The "WTF?" scrunchy face. I noticed this one last night. I was hanging out with Jesse playing nerdy card games as we do every Thursday and Kristal handed me Kate as she was going to have a nap. She was suckling a little bit (which is generally a sign babies are hungry). Instead of waking Kristal, I took a baby toy and let her suck on it. The first time I did this, she was fine. I did it a second time a little bit later and I get this look of confusion and disgust as if she was pondering "HEY! Where's my milk?!?!"
  3. Odd sleeping positions. I don't know if all babies do this or not, but I find Kate will often sleep in some fairly peculiar positions that you simply cannot help but laugh at.



It's hard to see, but her arms are actually elevated off of the bassinet.

I'm sure you can think of others, and I probably can too... but that's all I can think of at this moment in time.

1 comment:

  1. Hahaha! Larsen often sleeps in the same position, and if you make a loud noise, he will actually go from "hands up" position to "hands forward" (infront of his chest) position and then slowly move them back to "hands up".
